About Us

4 people smiling at the UC Tech conference

About the UC IT blog

The University of California (UC) Information Technology (IT) blog informs and connects those working in the technology field at the university, along with those working closely with university technologies. It is created by the UC Tech community – with 10,000 members across 35 UC locations. The Information Technology Services Department at the UC Office of the President publishes each weekly issue thanks to hundreds of contributors. As one of our readers commented recently, “It’s the only systematic way I can hear what’s going on across the UC in IT.” 

About UC IT Blog readers

About 67% of blog audiences are in a technical role at the university. Similarly, 69% are highly experienced in their field, having worked in it for more than 10 years. About an equal portion of readers are new to the UC tech community vs long-term members of the university. About 40% of the UC IT Blog audience of 3K opens the newsletter each weekly issue, while most reporting reading it about one time per month.

What is happening in UC Tech in July 2024

We commenorate Fourth of July and National Disability Independence Day (July 26, 2024) during the month of July. Feel free to send your updates and views regarding these topics and more. For more perspective on past, present and future themes being covered in the UC Tech News, please visit the 2024 UC Tech community content calendar here.

Contact us to discuss a concept or use these writing guidelines to send us content any time. If you are available to provide an interview, feel free to send us answers to these interview questions or schedule time to meet.


Each week, thanks to the generosity of contributors like those listed below, we share stories and insights that keep the UC Tech community connected and informed. This helps them find opportunities and paves the way to the digital transformation happening at the university and in our industry.

June 27, 2024 – 322: UC Health Data Guidelines, Tina Austin, RSA, Damian Luna, UC Tech Conference

For this issue, with gratitude to Heather Harper and Laura Bard, UC Health, Shelly Meron,Kate Moser and Judi Baker, UC Office of the President, Joshua Hori, UC Davis and others who provided important news and updates.  

May 31, 2024 – 321: TritonGPT and Process Palooza Update + DOJ Final Rule on Digital Accessibility Event on June 6

For this issue, with gratitude to Shannon Prior and Todd Anderson, UC San Diego and others who provided important news and updates.

May 24, 2024 – 320: Cybersecurity news and upcoming event, and Gartner awards opportunity and celebration

For this issue, with gratitude to Judi Baker, UC Office of the President and others who provided important news and updates. 

May 6, 2024 – 319: Global Accessibility Awareness Day – GAAD

For this issue, with gratitude to Judy Thai, Monte Ratzlaff, UC Office of the President, Joshua Hori, UC Davis and others who provided important news and updates. 

As always, please let us know how we can help you share your updates with the UC tech community. You can reach the blog team via email or feel free to schedule time using this Calendly link.

There are stories to share!

UC Tech 3-month rolling calendar

July - Sept 2024 content calendar, with all events listed below. The UC Tech News team prioritizes sharing views from the community on technial advances and what you find meaningful in your career and life. Mark your calendars, stay current keep generating the news, events and jobs that keep the UC Tech Community strong.

Reference material to support the UC Tech Community

Visit these pages to see ever-green content important to UC Tech Community Members

  1. UC Tech News Content Calendar (2024)
  2. UC AI Resources Guide (news, events and resources)
  3. UC Presidential Working Group on AI (UC AI Council)
  4. Share your news, events and jobs and interview guidelines
  5. Write an article: editorial guidelines
  6. UC Tech Awards Program
  7. UC Tech 2024 Conference
  8. UC Tech Chief Information Officers (UC CIO Council)
  9. UC Tech News – Past Newsletters
  10. UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Extension Program Professional Education AI Application Development Program Courses
  11. UC Professional Development Guide

Join the UC Tech News Advisors

Advisors and influencers receive a monthly newsletter covering the ROI of the UC Tech News efforts. It covers the impact of the help provided by the community – those who help us spread the word about news, events and jobs, as well as those who provide input and/or strategic advice. Join us!

Feel free to subscribe to the UC Tech Newsletter’s “Advisor’s Newsletter.” You will receive a monthly update with marketing metrics and prompts for stories, news and events.