What’s the big deal? A webinar on big data, cloud & the Internet of Things

You might be interested in this webinar next Wednesday: Ever wondered exactly what’s “big” about ‘big data’? Or what’s the difference between being “in the cloud” and using “cloud”? Or really what is the “Internet of Things?” This webinar will…
Read more about What’s the big deal? A webinar on big data, cloud & the Internet of Things

INTERVIEW: UC Santa Cruz graduate Kristina Dvorak’s insights on Cisco as an employer that values career growth

Dvorak: At Cisco, the environment encourages us to think about where we want to be in the future, rather than being confined to one role indefinitely.

In this interview, Kristina Dvorak, a recent graduate from UC Santa Cruz, provides insights into her successful job search process and her career at Cisco. She provides insights into what she values in her manager and her employer, who support…
Read more about INTERVIEW: UC Santa Cruz graduate Kristina Dvorak’s insights on Cisco as an employer that values career growth