UC Tech Academy: Lead From Where You Are Program  

Conference room with woman wearing MOR lanyard

The Lead From Where you Are program is designed for individual contributors and managers. It was created by Maximizing Organizational Resources (MOR) Associates, and is being offered to those interested in the program and/or selected by their leaders, based on availability and other factors. Recognizing and engaging individuals in this way can accelerate their development, build their confidence, and enable them to see a pathway for contributing in a more significant way to the success of the organization. 

Key Facts

  • Program Name: UC Tech Academy: Lead From Where You Are 
  • Target audience and nomination process: Individual contributors, managers and/or technical leads nominated by their departments based on their potential for leadership growth
  • Timing: Six sessions that run during a six month period. In 2024, the program was scheduled to run between February and September.
  • Format and location: A hybrid program consists of six sessions, some in-person and some online, provided over the course of six months.
  • Sponsors: Van Williams and the UC CIO Council 
  • Contact: Kristin Cordova (see contact details, below) 

Program Details

Target audience and nomination process 

Individual contributors, managers and technical leads who do not necessarily have direct reports and who would benefit from the rigorous program. The process for candidate nomination is managed locally by each UC CIO Council representative.  

2024 UC Lead From Where You Are Cohort at UCLA
2024 UC Lead From Where You Are Cohort at UCLA
during their June, 2024 in-person meeting. Participants included
tech employees from several UC clocations.

Program learning objectives 

The Lead From Where You Are program is designed to cultivate emerging leaders to impact an organization more broadly with the following objectives: 

  1. To become aware of how one’s behavior and attitudes affects one’s work, their teams and those around them, along with how they are perceived by others.  
  1. To enhance each participant’s ability to work collaboratively in teams and to foster an inclusive environment that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion. 
  1. To build the self-awareness needed for each participant to understand and capitalize on their strengths. 
  1. To strengthen the relationships across the UC System, thus fostering the collaboration needed to advance the critical work of the university. 
  1. To build the communication skill sets needed for participants to increase their effectiveness when working with others to deliver results. 
  1. To develop lifelong learning skills that build on goal-setting, routines and a UC-wide network to shape new approaches to one’s work and therefore opportunities. 

Format and location

A hybrid program consists of six sessions, some in-person and some online, provided over the course of six months. It consists of different types of learning modalities, including: (1) individual training that personalizes the experience with a tailored development plan, supported by individual leadership coaching; (2) multi-day workshops to provide concepts and tools; (3) applied learning designed to apply the concepts, frameworks, tools and practices between workshops; and (4) community-building that includes building new connections for future collaboration. 

About the UC Tech Academy 

This program is part of the UC Tech Academy, a suite of professional development programs offered to the UC Tech community. These programs support a range of job levels, and are generally open to the entire UC Tech community, consisting of professionals across the university who work in IT. Learn more about the programs that make up the UC Tech Academy by visiting UC Tech Academy Overview.


Kristin Cordova
Kristin Cordova
Chief of Staff
UC Office of the President

UC Tech Academy Program Director 