Tag Archive: NCSAM

Tips for Selecting & Managing Passwords

Hand grabbing password out of binary code

By Michelle Phung, Isabelle Nguyen and Julie Goldstein. Passwords are the key to almost everything you do online, and you probably have multiple passwords that you use throughout the day. Choosing hard-to-hack passwords and managing them securely can sometimes seem…
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Make It a Habit! Eight Habits to Keep You Safe Online

8 Smart Cybersecurity Habits

By Bill Green, Timo Papandreopoulos and Julie Goldstein.  Every new cyber-attack or scam seems to be accompanied by a barrage of cybersecurity tips, pointers, dos and don’ts that we’re expected to follow to keep ourselves and our families safe and secure….
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Information Security Awareness Video: “I’m Mike!”

Picture of Identity Thief with "Mike's" girlfriend

The Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC), along with EDUCAUSE and Internet2, held its annual Information Security Awareness Video & Poster Contest, an event that allows college students to win prizes, gain experience, and earn recognition by creating a PSA…
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