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Spotlight: Maria Andrade – From Student to IT Professional at UCSD

Maria Andrade smiles in photo on UCSD campus.

Posted by Karishma Morabia, UCB student intern, UCOP. As a high school junior, Maria Andrade took the Strong Interest Inventory Test and matched with computer engineering. After some research, she became highly motivated to pursue it as a career. Fresh…
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Spotlight: Audrie Ramirez – Information Security Intern Extraordinaire

Posted by Alexa Rivetti, UCB student intern, UCOP.  “I never thought I would learn this much about UC,” said Audrie Ramirez, recent graduate of CSU East Bay, and information security intern at UCOP. “I actually didn’t know that much about…
Read more about Spotlight: Audrie Ramirez – Information Security Intern Extraordinaire